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Stages Évènements 

des femmes clowns qui font la sieste

Rejoignez nos stages évèments tout au long de l'année pour enfants ou adultes.

“To dance is to fight against everything that holds back, everything that pushes, everything that weighs and weighs down, it is to discover with one's body the essence, the soul of life, it is to come into contact physical with freedom. »Jean-Louis BARRAULT
  • Danse intuitive
    Danse intuitive
    RSVP Closed
    Wed, Jan 08
    Association Cercle de Lunes
    Découvrez la Danse Intuitive : Libérez votre corps, libérez votre esprit ! Vous souhaitez vous reconnecter à votre corps, vous libérer des tensions et retrouver confiance en vous ? La Danse Intuitive est faite pour vous !
  • Creative Writing
    Creative Writing
    Sold Out
    Sat, Mar 09
    NezSens Center
    Join us at the NezSens Center to celebrate the arrival of spring with a pen set free, ready to trace new stories and explore the captivating art of creative writing! Reserve your place now on the Center NezSens website.
  • Contemporary dance
    Contemporary dance
    Sold Out
    Sat, Feb 10
    NezSens Center
    Our course, designed to mark the start of the year in style, offers a unique experience where creativity, technique and connection with oneself intertwine in a harmonious way.
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