“Well-being flourishes in conviviality, in resonance with the well-being of others. »

His history
Pierrot Buto speaks a non-verbal language. His sentences are punctuated with gestures, movements, emotion, images and sometimes sounds.
Just because he doesn't speak doesn't mean he doesn't understand. The customs and habits of Men are totally foreign to him. Pierrot is not stupid. It just reflects… the light it receives. Often it is particularly surprising.
He speaks a language that everyone can understand, young and old - whatever their culture - an archaic and universal language: the maternal language of the human body. Pierrot Buto is the result of many years of research and experimentation. He is the culmination of a long process of unifying artistic skills into a single character.
Pierrot Buto was born under the gaze of passers-by in Place Masséna in the city of Nice, on February 14, 2012 during street performances organized by theCompany The Heart Accords.
Pierrot moves freely between mime, butoh dance, contemporary dance, clowning and acrobatics. Like playgrounds of his expression, he aims at the alchemy of choreographic, circus and theatrical disciplines.
Halfway between East and West, between Japan and France via India, whether through his aesthetics or his influence, both human and artistic, Pierrot Buto draws his strength from the energy of neo-butoh dance and is freely inspired by the mythical Pierrot Lunaire and its relationship with the world of dreams.
It is a mixture of the famous western mime with the unknown oriental butoh. His singularity makes him a character as touching as it is surprising.
Pierrot Buto est un être en perpétuelle quête de sens, un funambule sur le fil de l'espoir, un poète étourdi et dansant sur les ruines d'un monde en déliquescence.
Il est le miroir de nos propres contradictions, la personnification de nos peurs les plus profondes, l'écho de notre humanité fragile.
Préparez-vous à être troublés, fascinés, et transportés dans un univers où la beauté et la laideur se côtoient, où le rire et les larmes se confondent.
Pierrot Buto vous invite à un voyage au cœur d'un essentiel qui n'a que le Ciel pour reflet...