Results of your esteem level
You can view your results on this page and you will receive your result history by email.
Maximum score = 40 points
The higher your result, the more frequently and heavily the level of self-esteem interferes in the person's daily life.
If you have difficulties, consult a professional, do not isolate yourself.
If you score 24 or less: Your self-esteem is very low. Work in this area seems desirable.
Si vous avez obtenu un résultat compris entre 25 et 31 points : Votre estime de soi est faible. Un travail dans ce domaine serait bénéfique.
If you obtain a result between 32 and 34 points:
Your self-esteem is average.
If you obtain a result between 35 and 38 points: Your self-esteem is strong.
If you score 39 points or more: Your self-esteem is very strong and you tend to be strongly assertive.