Histoire de l'Art-Thérapie

L'art-thérapie professionnelle est issue soit d'un cursus universitaire soit, d'un cursus de la formation professionnelle certifiée par l'État via Qualiopi (démarche d’amélioration continue de la qualité) ou RNCP (reconnaissance nationale de la qualification professionnelle et de la qualité de formation).
“Alone, we go faster. Together, we go further. »
African proverb
The different currents of art therapy
Professional art therapy comes either from a university course or from a professional training course certified byQualiopi or by the state (RNCP).
traditional art therapy is oriented towards psychotherapy, it is an artistic medium that interprets both the activity, the production and the speech of the person. (see article source)
modern art therapy est turned towards the scientist "is the exploitation of the artistic potential in a therapeutic and humanitarian aim" - All about art therapy by Richard FORESTIER, edition Favre Pierre-Marcel Eds. p.10
contemporary art therapy, turned towards psychoanalysis "is a method whichpromotes creativity without aiming at the production of a work or an object and excludes any form of interpretation. (see article source)